Hello, World!
Starting a blog in 2024? What a concept!
There’s always something I want to talk about and wanted to place where I could control my own content. With the recent decay of publishing and social media platforms and the enshittification of the Internet, I wanted to provide meaningful content on my own terms and share links through the various social networks.
This is not the first time I have a blog. In the past I’ve posted on Blogspot, had a Medium post that I never published (about my favorite films of the 2010s,) and a long, long, time ago I even had a LiveJournal.
In this new blog, I plan to post about a number of topics, including:
- Programming
- Productivity tips
- Special interests (Oh, I have ton of those…)
- Reviews (product, services, comics, and games)
- Life updates (trips, photos, etc.)
- Job and project updates
I can also a bit of a scatterbrain when writing. I have accepted that, and I hope readers don’t mind. Maybe I’ll get better at it as I write more.
While I could build this site from scratch, I didn’t want to spend a lot of time getting the site ready and decided to use Hugo with a template (Paper). I’m still customizing the template and will be making improvements over time. There is no commenting enabled at the moment, but you can send me a message over in one of the platforms I’m on.